Though panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan provides honeytrapping services, government agencies continue to make fake claims

Both domain investors and some people closely associated with raw have confirmed on quora that panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan provides honeytrapping services, she seduces men like the famous dutch spy mata hari and other sex spies.
Yet in a clear case of criminal defamation, government agencies continue to dupe people,companies and countries with fake stories of domain ownership, online income, while criminally defaming the real domain investor, who is denied a life of dignity, and is making great losses.
the financial fraud, online SLAVERY of panaji goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan and panaji SHAMELESS GREEDY goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, gurugram haryana fraud ruchita kinge, indore cheater deepika/veena can be legally proved checking their bank records, income tax returns and pan number, tax id, yet government agencies continue their lies, indicating the widespread lack of social justice in india