LIAR Indian security agencies are offering abuse of power,LYING SERVICES to anyone who pays their market price, BRIBING them

In a clear indication of the rampant corruption in India, it can be legally proved LIAR Indian security agencies are offering abuse of power,LYING SERVICES to anyone who pays their market price, BRIBING them

In developed countries like USA,UK,telling lies is a crime, and many celebrities like Martha Stewart,Jeffrey Archer, Michael Cohen are jailed for telling lies, however in india, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees are openly liars and frauds defaming the google competitor and falsely claiming that document robbers, sex workers and other frauds, who are not investing any money online, not doing any work are online experts, domain investors to get them a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

People worldwide should be awareof the fact that Bribe taking indian security agencies are LIARS promoting google, tata sponsored deepika padukone look alike indore bespectacled housewife housewife veena for ROBBING domain investor because indian security agency employees are worse than whores and gigolos who will do anything for the person who pays the MARKET PRICE of the security agencies who are for sale . However indian security agencies are like high end whores, gigolos, their market price is known only to the top companies like google, tata, few others are aware of how much they are charging to abuse their powers, to make fake allegations against innocent persons, promote call girls sunaina, siddhi,LIARS, FRAUDS AND ROBBERS like indore document robber housewife veena

The fraud google,tata with the help of LIAR ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet have perfected the art of exploiting small business owners, paypal account holders, defaming them, STEALING THEIR IDENTITY and make them work like slaves to get raw/cbi jobs for call girls, document robbers, cheater housewives and other frauds, who then offer sex services and bribes to indian intelligence and security agencies on behalf of google, tata and control the powerful indian intelligence and security agencies

It can be legally proved that the google, tata sponsored R&AW employee deepika padukone look alike indore bespectacled housewife housewife veena is only looking after her house and family, she is not doing any work online, she does not invest any money online, yet because veena, her eighth standard pass husband, deepika are paying the security agencies the BRIBE they demand, which the tata employees have arranged, these security agencies are abusing their powers , wasting indian taxpayer money to make FALSE STATEMENTS , which would be a crime in other countries , so that robber veena gets a raw salary at the expense of the domain investor who she ROBBED

Pathological liar google, tata, cbi, ntro employees worse than nigerian fraudsters in their housewives fraud in goa

A very cruel fraud of tata employees to defame hard working exporters, paypal account holders, falsely giving various call girls, frauds, cheater housewives credit without doing any work at all., making flimsy excuses defaming the person who is working very hard. these women do not make any money online on the computer at all, they do not spend any time at all, yet they get credit,money due to the tata fraud of defaming people who are extremely busy

tata,cbi employees are the greatest section 420 frauds and liars in the world , putting paypal account holders under surveillance and falsely claiming that various lazy greedy cheater housewives like gujju eighth standard pass cbi employee naina, nayanshree hathwar, various christian and other fraud housewives who do not do any work on the computer, are doing the work online to get all these lazy greedy housewives, great powers and money at my expense

Since the paypal account holder is doing all the work, she does not have time to go shopping daily, then these fraud tata employees are making fake allegations of black money to defame, cheat, exploit me, pamper lazy greedy housewives who have never done any work on the computer in their life

After the light eyed wife of CA,. the latest fraud housewives being promoted by the section 420 liar pimp tata, ntro employees are some christian housewives with a ponytail, and young children, who are usually wearing a tshirt, who have never done any computer work, yet the fraud intelligence and security agency employees in goa believe the complete lies of the pathological liar google, tata, ntro,. cbi, raw,employees

bank details will prove that goan call girl sunaina, siddhi, naina, christian and other housewives do not make any money online at all,tata, google, ntro employees are shameless liars, yet the goan and indian government blindly believes the lies of section 420 fraud tata employees who are far worse than the east india company of the british in their atrocities on indian citizens

With top NTRO, government employees addicted to her sex services, both R&AW, CIA pay a monthly salary to goan bhandari call girl sunaina

Seducing fraud ntro employees like j srinivasan, puneet to steal the identity of their btech 1993 ee engineering classmate, google competitor has become very lucrative for goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university

First google, tata got the lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan 2013 bsc a R&AW job for seducing the powerful fraud ntro employees j srinivasan to abuse his powers and steal the identity of his btech 1993 ee classmate for the google, tata supplied goan call girl

Though the lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan had never done any work online, never invested any money online(like indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena, bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar),ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet , who were both infatuated with the goan call girl sunaina, wasted crores of indian taxpayer money to dupe people that the lazy greedy goan call girl was their btech 1993 ee classmate, domain investor and online expert, defaming their real domain investor though the goan call girl was not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee

the top government officials who enjoyed the sex services of goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan were extremely vicious in defaming the google competitor, engineer who was the real domain investor that even CIA recognized the great power sunaina has over the top indian intelligence and security agency employees who are addicted to her sex services, and have given her a recruiter job

R&AW is falsely claiming that the goan call girl sunaina, a lazy fraud owns domain names including this one, when sunaina is not spending any money and the american company also does not expect their employees to do much work. So only for seducing top ntro, government employees , Goan bhandari call girl is getting a monthly salary from both R&AW and cia, with the help of her tata pimps

Brahmin fraud ntro employees duping countries that the google,tata supplied goan prostitutes whose SEX services they enjoy offer internet services

Brahmin fraud ntro employees duping countries that the google,tata supplied goan prostitutes whose SEX services they enjoy offer internet services
In one of the greatest frauds of the indian and goan government, NTRO, R&AW, cbi Brahmin fraud ntro employees led by the mhow cheater domlur bengaluru director puneet, j srinivasan duping countries that the lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced google,tata supplied goan prostitutes bhandari sunaina chodan, gsb siddhi mandrekard whose SEX services they enjoy offer internet services to give the goan sex workers R&AW jobs with monthly salary and great powers.

It can be legally proved that the google, tata sponsored goan call girl R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi and other fraud raw/cbi employees like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, naina have never provided any kind of internet services for the last 5 years, and are least interested in doing so for the rest of their life, yet the ntro employees are shameless liars and frauds like the saudi killers of jamal khashoggi, make fake claims without any evidence about their call girl fraud girlfriends who they have got raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the google competitor.

It is time that all countries worldwide are aware of the fact that raw/cbi pay salaries to goan sex workers, school dropouts, cheating housewives, document robbers, and other frauds for their sex, cheating and robbery services, these women are not domain investors and do not offer internet or writing services

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To enjoy the SEX services of goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, top indian and goan government employees shamelessly lie

Bribed by the google, tata PIMPS supplying call girls to government employees for SEX, goan security,intelligence agencies, government are giving great powers to their favorite panaji PROSTITUTE, slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university falsely claiming that the panaji sex worker is an experienced engineer with btech 1993 ee degree, and is a domain investor owning a large number of domains including this one where her sex news are published

The single woman bhandari engineer who actually has the with btech 1993 ee degree , and whose identity has been stolen by the fraud brahmin ntro employee led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet to get their favorite panaji prostitute a R&AW job, would like to ask the goan security,intelligence agencies, government why their favorite lazy greedy panaji prostitute sunaina chodan did not study engineering, she has only studied bsc from goa university, yet falsely claims to be an experienced engineer with the help of powerful fraud government, ntro employees enjoying her SEX services

Panaji call girl sunaina chodan’s got a R&AW job because her powerful sugar daddy brahmin cheater ntro employee j srinivasan, shamelessly abused his powers and falsely claimed that the panaji prostitute sunaina, who did not spend any money online, owned the domains of his btech 1993 ee classmate he hated. Now goa’s sex queen has got a R&AW salary for more than 5 years, so can the goan security,intelligence agencies, government explain why their favorite panaji PROSTITUTE, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan does not purchase domain names legally, paying the market price and get them transferred in her name

Can the goan security,intelligence agencies, government specify for how many more years they will enjoy the SEX services of their favorite panaji PROSTITUTE, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan and make fake claims about domain ownership , engineering degree, experience

Extremely powerful top indian and goan government employees are enjoying the SEX services of panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan

When a person is not doing any work at all in a particular sector at all, usually the government will not waste tax payer money to falsely promote the person as an expert in the sector, duping people, companies and countries all over the world, viciously defaming, cheating and exploiting the person who is actually doing the work online

However in an indication of the terrible plight of indian citizens,harmless hardworking engineers harassed,defamed, persecuted, prostitutes pampered, promoted and rewarded by goan , indian government wasting crores of indian tax payer money.The rupee is crashing against the US$ because of misgovernance as the indian government wastes crores of indian tax payer money annually to reward lazy greedy google, tata supplied goan prostitutes offering sex services, cheater housewives, document robbers and other frauds

Bank details,medical records will easily and legally prove that the lazy greedy google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan , 2013 bsc from goa university is not doing any work online, not investing any money online, and she is also not an experienced engineer, as she has not worked in an engineering company and has not got an engineering degree

Yet in a clear indication of poor governance in India, crores of rupees of indian tax payer money are being wasted by top government employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan , to pamper and reward the panaji prostitute sunaina, falsely claim that the lazy greedy goan prostitute who is enjoying with her boyfriend J8651,is working online, investing money online.
The indian and goan government, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi are extremely vicious in defaming a single woman bhandari engineer, google competitor, so they are putting the google competitor under surveillance and falsely claiming that the panaji prostitute is doing the work online, to defame the google competitor and reward their favorite goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan

The ntro employees claim to be very honest, yet they are openly involved in a major fraud, when they falsely claim that their favorite sex worker sunaina is working online. This clearly indicates the lack of morals and integrity of the ntro employees .Why is no one questioning the ntro, goan and indian government why so much tax payer is wasted to pamper , promote and reward a lazy greedy goan bhandari call girl sunaina, who is only interested in offering sex services to government employees, not in doing any work online

Brahmin fraud ntro employees promise goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina, engineers house as reward for sunaina's SEX SERVICES

One of the reasons why the bhandari community is backward compared to the GSB community is because the leaders and officials like pritesh chodankar are shameless frauds and liars, openly involved in a major real estate fraud in panaji, goa on a single woman engineer with a good JEE rank, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy inexperienced relative sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, with no savings of her own, no ownership papers owns the house of the engineer,

The google competitor, single woman bhandari engineer is forced to waste her time and money exposing the fraud of brahmin mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, j srinivasan and others, because the indian and goan government, ntro, raw, cbi refuse to end the real estate, banking fraud of their employees, with raw/cbi employees like goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, school dropout gujju housewife naina, indore document robber veena, and other frauds falsely claiming to own the house of the google competitor without any legal papers, without any payment to get a monthly raw/cbi salary

The google competitor is not at home all the time due to personal and other work, like visiting exhibitions, fairs , however in a major real estate fraud on her, the ntro employees led j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet and others like pritesh chodankar are falsely claiming that the lazy greedy slim goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc supplied by google, tata to ntro and other government employees for sex, owns the home of the google competitor, engineer though goa’s top bhandari prostitute sunaina has not paid any money for the house , and does not have any legal papers in her name.

However the government employees enjoying the SEX services of lazy greedy slim goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, are picking the lock of the home of the google competitor and helping their favorite goan sex worker sunaina, criminally trespass on the house of the google competitor, falsely claim ownership of the house.

The lovers of the goan sex queen sunaina are also helped by the brahmin fraud sugar daddies of sunaina, j srinivasan, puneet and others, who are putting the google competitor under surveillance, falsely claiming national security so that their favorite goan sex worker can criminally trespass on the house of the google competitor, without being caught

When will the shameless goan bhandari frauds pritesh chodankar, sunaina chodan, end their panaji property fraud

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NTRO memory slaves should be added in the list of indian slaves by ILO, Walk Free Foundation

The indian government was protesting against the report of ILO, walk free foundation which said that India had the largest number of slaves in the modern world. Despite officially being a democracy which claims that all indian citizens are equal, have equal rights, India has a larger number of slaves than China, which does not claim to be a democracy and has a larger population than India

The large number of slaves in India, is largely due to the government policy of making harmless hardworking indian citizens slaves, selling them to large greedy corporates like google, tata, which do not wish to pay salaries , business expenses, yet wish to get access to the expertise of small business owners for free, bribing ntro employees to steal their memory without a legally valid reason, without offering any kind of compensation to the memory theft victim.

The domain investor owning this website has been made a NTRO memory slave since 2010, with ntro employees stealing her memory regularly using sophisticated brain wave reading equipment. One of the worst aspects of slavery online in India , is how the NTRO slave is doing all the work, spending all the money online, yet NTRO, indian and goan government is refusing to acknowledge her time and investment, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money online, own this and other websites of the domain investor to pay them a monthly government salary at the expense of the person who is actually doing the work and getting nothing, because she is an online slave.

It is time that the Walk Free foundation, ILO adds the domain investor, online slaves to millions of indian slaves, in their next report, because government agencies like ntro are openly involved in making indian citizens slaves, falsely claiming that the relatives and friends of top government employees get credit, salaries for work they do not do. When NTRO is openly involved in slavery online, why is the indian government protesting against the ILO report tha India has the highest number of slaves?