Google, tata increase their profit by using ntro's memory stealing service, reduce business expenses

In one of the worst human rights abuses cases in India , the freelancer fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, puneet, parmar are running a lucrative memory stealing service to increase the profit of large corporates like google,tata as they steal the memory of harmless risk taking small business owners, domain investors without a legally valid reason, without offering any kind of compensation, so that these large companies do not have to pay any salaries or other business expenses

To justify the memory theft of a harmless indian citizen, the ntro employees and their associates specialize in demonizing the harmless small business owner, bribing their associates to make fake allegations without any proof, and then falsely claiming to help, so that the small business owner, like the google competitor, is not getting any opportunity to defend herself against the fake allegations, clear her name, and end the defamation, exploitation and memory theft

Any help to end the memory theft of harmless private citizens , small business owners in India will be greatly appreciated.

No incentive to create quality content online due to low or zero revenues from some domains

Google,tata, ntro expect domain investors to spend their time and money to create great quality content online, forgetting that it is very difficult to make any money online because of the google,tata masterminded sex, bribery racket, financial fraud
These fraud companies and organizations think that they are doing indian citizens a very great favor allowing them to register domains, when it is a very great expense.
It is very frustrating to spend hours writing content, only to find at the end of the year, when the domain is renewed that no ad has been sold, the revenues from the domain is almost zero . Unlike the google,tata, ntro, employees, the domain investor does not get any salary
Time is money, and writing content for a website with zero revenues is a major waste of time for the domain investor
Initially the domain investor had a lot of hope, now in 2018 there are almost no expectations from the internet sector, she will wait for 1 more year, and then sell the non prime domains very cheap, or let them expire.

Extremely corrupt government offficials make it difficult for businesses in goa to make a profit

Compared to other states like Maharashtra, the government officials in goa like caro,nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar are extremely greedy and shameless, so most business owners in goa are not making much money and cannot pay much as salaries. These officials are also running an extortion racket, extorting money from business owners, though they are getting a very good salary from the government

For example the engineer lived in Mumbai for nearly twenty years, however no government official was a shameless greedy fraud goan government officials like caro,nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar who falsely claim that their lazy greedy sex worker, extortionist, fraud relatives, friends like slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, indore document robber housewife veena, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar,school dropout eight standard pass gujju housewife naina and other frauds who never worked as engineers, have the resume, investment, skills, experience, work ethic of the engineer, to deny the engineer the income and opportunities she deserved

The goan government had held a job fair in Porvorim, where 50 companies and 5000 people applying for jobs attended. The job fair was widely advertised in the media, however according to newspaper reports, most of the people applying for jobs, were disappointed with the salaries that were offered which were extremely low. The goan government refuses to take action against the extremely corrupt, greedy shameless goan officials caro,nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar who are making it very difficult for any business to do well in goa, stealing leads, orders, blocking payment.

Mumbai is far richer than Goa, when no officials are involved in banking fraud on small business owners,falsely claiming that their relatives own the bank account of small business owner, why are goan officials allowed to get away with their brazen banking, financial fraud on harmless small business owners by the goan government since 2010.

Las Vegas is a Dangerous Town

Click here if you want to figure out how to protect yourself after you decide you’re moving to Las Vegas. I work for myself from home, and I decided to move out to Vegas after my elderly father passed away and I no longer had to care for him. I always wanted to live in the western part of the country, so I quickly took the opportunity to move. I had enough money from my job along with the inheritance to purchase a nice little home in Sin City. What I should have done is investigated how dangerous of a town it is these days.

I think Las Vegas has a lot of bad parts of town because of the reputation it has due to the casinos and the anything goes mentality out here. (more…)

For more than 8 years, bribed by google, tata, NTRO employees falsely claim sex services they enjoy are online services

mobile recharge

In one of the greatest sex, bribery rackets, masterminded by google, tata, ntro employees continue to falsely claim that the sex services they are enjoying from google, tata supplied goan girls are making the women online experts, offering online services

Bank records, income tax returns will easily and legally prove that goan sex worker R&AW employees bhandari sunaina chodan, siddh mandrekar are not doing any work online, not investing any money online, yet in one of the greatest prostitution rackets, ntro employees led by j srinivasan, are falsely claiming that the sex workers, frauds are online experts to get them great powers, a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor

Due to the incompetence of the indian government, the fraud has continued for 8 years, with the government refusing to investigate.

NTRO should be honest about R&AW employee sunaina chodan's real customers, men who enjoy her sex services

NTRo employees having sex with goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc are proving that ntro has become the national sex research organization for the indian government, falsely claiming that the goan sex worker, was their btech 1993 ee classmate, joining engineering college before her official birth, is an online expert and domain investor owning all the websites where her sex news is regularly published
Bank records, income tax returns will easily and legally prove that ntro’s favorite goan sex worker sunaina has never invested any money online, made any money online, she only provides excellent sex services to top indian government employees, especially those from the indian internet sector, with the help of her pimps in google, tata.
So the real domain investor, a single woman engineer is demanding that ntro, raw, cbi, indian and goan government should stop falsely claiming that the goan bhandari sex worker is an online expert with foreign customers, and officially publish the list of goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan’ real clients or customer, the powerful top indian government employees enjoying her sex services regularly and then making fake claims so that she can get a monthly indian government salary without doing any work online, without investing any money online at the expense of the engineer.

Looking for inexpensive suppliers of glue traps for mice

Glue traps are the safest way of catching mice as there is no risk of accidental poisoning or other problems, However most of the glue traps available in the market are expensive, with prices starting from Rs 45 for the cheapest glue trap available in panaji, goa in 2018. The glue trap is marketed by PCI and is manufactured by glue traps india pvt ltd.
Looking for a supplier of glue traps in bulk as there are many rats and mice in panaji, goa, who are making it difficult to sleep at night, in addition to causing a lot of problems like eating food

Online advertising revenues tightly controlled

It is increasingly clear that online advertising revenues in 2018 are tightly controlled, and only a select few websites are allowed to make a profit from advertising. Most websites are making a loss, so registering and renewing domain names is a very loss making business.
How much a website owner will try to increase the traffic to a website, increase link sales, the intelligence and security agencies led by ntro employee j srinivasan, who are involved in a sex, bribery racket will ensure that the revenues will remain static.
Many advertising networks have 100+ websites added, yet they are not selling only 1 ad or less
If the same effort and time is spent writing articles for others or doing other work, there is more profit to be made, without spending any money on domains, webhosting, and ensuring that maintenance is carried out, so that the websites are always available.

NTRO employees making fake claims about writing skills of their sex worker fraud, girlfriends, relatives who they have got R&AW/cbi jobs with fake resumes, fake skills

In addition to the banking, financial, credit card fraud which ntro employees led by puneet are involved in, they are also making fake claims about writing skills, experience of their sex worker fraud, girlfriends, relatives who they have got R&AW/cbi jobs with fake resumes , fake investment, fake paypal account, fake online work.
Many of these women like eighth standard pass cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, cannot even write a proper sentence in english, yet her powerful fraud lover ntro employee parmar, is so infatuated with his school dropout premika naina, that he is shamelessly abusing his powers and falsely claiming that she is working, writing online to get her a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

Other lazy fraud R&AW employees who falsely claim to be writing are the google, tata supplied goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, cbi employee goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak .Writing is very time consuming, and the person who is actually writing does not have time for other activities like cleaning the house, housekeeping