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It is observed that many indian citizens have their bank account account hacked based on media reports and posts on social media websites. The mainstream media in India refuses to highlight the problems created by hackers , however use of technology increases the level of fraud and the victims do not get any help from the banks . Those who have lost money due to online hacking of their bank account should find out how to hacker proof their life to avoid losing their hard earned money again.

Older people with no opportunities,limited income, recycle more

Indian intelligence and security agencies are extremely biased against middle aged and older people, wasting indian tax payer money to deny them the income and opportunities they deserved and worked very hard for. When a person finds that despite working very hard , the income is remaining the same, the only way to avoid feelin deprived, is to get the best deal for the little money that the person has. One of the best ways to save money, is to recycle whatever is available, so that the person has a zero waste lifestyle and reduce the requirement for making more purchases.

Using a website to generate leads and orders

Though NTRO, CBI, indian security agencies are involved in large scale theft of correspondence of paypal account holders, it is still possible for a business, especially offline business, to generate leads and orders using a domain name and suitably designed website. However there are some precautions which the business owners should take while developing their website, as website designers are often taking advantage of business owner if they do not have information about developing their website, hosting. Business owners facing a problem with their web designer can also contact for help.Help for promoting the website also available

CEOs in the IT and internet sector in India

The recent resignation of Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka from his position, saying that he wasting time defending himself against fake allegations, is an indication of the culture in the indian IT and internet sector. Just because someone has made fake allegations often without any proof, the person is considered to be guilty which is not fair. In most european companies, time and resources are usually not wasted defaming an innocent person without proof only for fun, to ruin his or her career, more on the extremely negative culture in the indian internet and tech sector at Online ceos the true story of the ruthless greedy inhuman ceos, how they manipulate the system .

Birds in India, queries, listing

Compared to fish birds are more entertaining pets, and require far less maintenance compared to dogs and cats. However it remains very difficult to suitable suppliers of birds in small towns, most of them are overpriced, or simply not available. A bird buyer has to visit a pet shop repeatedly to check if they have any kind of pet birds in stock
looking for suppliers of the following pet birds in India for listing
– zebra finch
– cockatiels
– hens
– parrots
– macaws
– canaries
– lovebirds

Please send prices, availability and other details of the birds available.

Security agencies continue to pamper PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees, stealing savings of older women to enjoy free SEX

In one of the greatest indian SEX, identity theft rackets allegedly masterminded by cunning fraud google, tata employees since 2010, top indian security, intelligence, cbi, ntro employees are stealing the hard earned money of harmless older women engineers, domain investors without a court order or legally valid reason to enjoy FREE sex with google,tata supplied PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees slim goan obc bhandari sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who are then getting a monthly R&AW salary for their SEX services, falsely claim that the PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees have the resume, investment of the google competitor, domain investor
Though financial records will prove that lazy greedy goan PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi have almost no savings of their own, indian government falsely claims that they are investors, owning the investment of the google competitor, engineer, for the sex services they provide to security agency employees in India, to pay them a monthly R&AW salary
Read more about Indian security agencies, sex services, sex workers sunaina, siddhi employed by R&AW in the never ending sex trade racket masterminded by google, tata since 2010